Delta-Therm’s Power Trace brand zone-type constant watt heating cable produces a constant heat output. Designed for freeze protection and process heating applications, our PF Series cable has a maximum maintenance temperature of 200˚F (93°C) and a maximum exposure temperature of 400˚F (204°C).
FEP jackets provide the flexibility needed for pipe, valve, pump, and flange tracing. FEP jackets also offer outstanding resistance to corrosive chemicals such as gasoline and oils. Color-coded and marked for easy identification, the cables can be cut to length in the field for quick installation. When used in freeze protection and process heating applications, PF cables can be safely overlapped.
APPLICATIONS PF Series cables are used in freeze protection and process heating applications.
APPROVALS Ordinary Locations: FM Approved For Pipe Tracing Hazardous Locations: FM Approved for—Class I, Division 2, Groups B, C, and D